Stonehenge and secs
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The two other partner sites, listed above, contain a wealth of other astronomical, design and structural detail about Stonehenge that was incorporated into the overall plan and confirm, time and again, that the monument was created and constructed with knowledge that was far ahead of anything that the original Neolithic population could have possessed. It is strongly recommended that this information be studied if a deeper understanding of Stonehenge is sought. Acquiring understanding may seem hard work but is trifling compared to the effort of the army of people who came together to build the monument.
Summary of Astronomical Data within the following two pages of this web-site, needed to locate the 'Little Star' at the heart of Stonehenge. (There are many numbers to the Stonehenge story. It is a big story. Don't expect understanding with little effort. It took hard work to create the monument! The story has already been running for more than 5,000 years. It has not yet finished!)
Stonehenge;- latitude 51* 10' 42" N longitude 1* 49' 29" W
Date of fixing of 'Little Star' into Stonehenge:- 2340 B.C.
Time of day;- midsummer solstice sunrise (c. 3h 47m 07s a.m.) (front edge of sun and Little Star vertically aligned at rising - star altitude 00* 00' 00" )
'Little Star' - recent catalogue numbers. Hubble H833.1062
US Naval Observatory USNOJ1007355+101541
'Little Star' coordinates;- when at centre of Heelstone (2340 B.C.) and aligned with sun front edge.
declination 23* 5.4' (23* 4.05')
Azimuth 50* 43" (234 05 reversed)
magnitude 13.50
(Actual 'target' of Stonehenge may be a remote star very close to H833.1062 - effect of Proper Motion during 4.5 - 5 thousand years? Likely it is coordinates at s.s.s.rise, 2340 B.C. that matter.)
Star coordinates for J2000 H833.1062 // USNOJ1007355+101541
R.A. 10h 07m 35.58s
declination 10* 15' 41.16"
magnitude 13.50
Signal Frequency;- suggested basis for signal search
7.686 143 364 045 646 50 GHz. ( 7686 143 364 045 646 50 Hz).
Section A:- The Heelstone at Stonehenge. A vertical horizon. There is no need for an exact viewing position. We only need to line up Heelstone and sky with sun in the 'heelmark'. The Heelstone is a map, or diagram, or picture of a specific solstice sunrise. We only need to apply the correct date. It is that easy.
The Heelstone at Stonehenge is one of the easiest features of the site to identify and remember. It stands, solitary and distant from the main circular arrangements of stones, away towards the north east perimeter and about in the direction of sunrise at mid-summer. Isolated and apparently unshaped, (technically 'undressed'), most visitors will have noted it and many will remember its position. But it is likely that few will have given it much scrutiny as they pass by, their gaze fixed into the main monument. Received wisdom for many years has suggested that the Heelstone is unworked and was still in its raw state when erected.
Archaeologically it is believed to have been transported and erected before 3000 B.C. That is at least 500 years before the later Sarsen Stonehenge was erected. As one of the heavier stones, (c. 25 tonnes or more), Its transportation from more than 20 miles away, and its erection were in themselves a formidable achievement. To this can be added several details related to this erection which are barely described in standard textbooks, but are just as surprising. This first section is a description and interpretation of features of the Heelstone that have been in plain view but yet 'unseen' by many eyes for 5,000 years!

(1). As seen from the side there is a 'lean' or 'tilt' towards the monument. Frequently described as a tilt that has 'just happened over time', that is very unlikely because, if the stone leaned by its own settling, the loading on the ground against a vertical stature would increase such that the stone had, eventually, to fall. I would contend that the lean was intentional, the stone is 'bowing' in homage to the monument, and is now as intended 5000 years ago. To erect a stone with a deliberate tilt and for it to remain so for 5000 years is also remarkable.
(2). The Heelstone has an 'angular width' that can be calculated as part of the 360* circle upon which it stands, as measured from the centre of the circular monument.
The angular width is 2*10', or 130 arc minutes. From this can be found the diameter of the large circular form, upper left of the face. (The 'Heelmark'.) This diameter is c. 30 - 32'. That is the value of the sun diameter. Therefore the sun fits this 'Heelmark'. (We are told that 'Heelstone' is derived from a legend concerning a 'Friar's heel print' left in the stone!! I have a more realistic source for the name. The Old Welsh expression 'Ffrw yr haul' will sound very close to 'Friar's Heel' in speech and easily slips to 'Friars Heel'. 'Ffrw yr haul' translates as 'passing of the sun', or 'crossing of the sun'. This tells us that the Heelstone is concerned with the 'crossing' of the sun. What could be clearer? )
With the circular 'heelmark' indicating sun position, then the track of the sun at sunrise can be marked, upwards, across the stone. The intersection of sun rising track and stone left hand flank occurs at c. azimuth 49* 38' which is the azimuth for sun centre rise at the correct solstice date. Width across the stone is c. 130 arc minutes. Therefore mid-point is 50*43'. This is the extreme bottom edge of the 'chamber' at the bottom of the slanting 'slit', and also front edge of the sun when in the heelmark. 50*43' is a very important numerical value at Stonehenge, to be found throughout the two partner web-sites listed at top.
(3). The rough, undressed stone was selected and erected such that the very deep and 'natural' fissure, or 'slit', that rises from lower centre to right hand flank is inclined at c. 31* above horizontal. This is the angle of rising track of all celestial objects local to the sun, including the sun, stars, etc. at summer solstice sunrise, at Stonehenge latitude for c. 2340 B.C. The sun rising orbit track across the stone face would be inclined at this same angle and was therefore parallel at solstice sunrise. Any rising star within the local cosmic sky would rise at this angle of c. 31*. Therefore, fortuitously (?), the angle of the slit describes the rising cosmic sky at this moment in time.

It could be argued that this is all coincidence. But the slit has a zone half way up on the lower edge that is very straight and is suggestive of having been 'straightened' deliberately, presumably in antiquity. Therefore I take it that all, so far, is intentional. The bottom of the slit has a 'chamber' whose left hand edge is precisely below the front edge of the sun 'heelmark' and therefore sun when located as described earlier.
(4). To the right hand (north east) of the sun heelmark and higher across the stone is a very prominent, deep, 'cupmark' - the only one on the Heelstone. Connecting the top edge of this mark to the top edge of the heelmark, again gives an ascending line at c'. 31*. Therefore the top edge of the rising sun is given.
(5). faintly visible on my pic. but much clearer in suitable light conditions, below the cupmark, is the suggestion of a sun-sized disc with 'flaring tails' to its left edge. Such a shape is a universal feature of art throughout history as a representation of the sun.
A picture has been created of a rising solstice sun, in a rising sky. The whole is correctly to scale as judged by the correct fit of the sun into the heelmark. To complete this picture it only remains to find a cosmic 'candidate' that would have occupied the rising 'slit' at the time and date of summer solstice 2340B.C.
The cosmic sky plan ,above, shows some features that were present at precisely SSSRise 2340 B.C. This info. is very easily obtained with modern astronomy software and is generally very accurate. The sun was in constellation Leo, close to the star Regulus. This is a relatively 'empty' part of the sky compared to such as the Milky Way. There are surprisingly few possible 'targets'.
By scaling the stone and picture horizontally to exactly the same scale as the vertical and heelmark scaling and basing horizontal sky coordinates (declination) upon this basis it is possible to match declination values for any celestial position based upon the declination value that the sun would have had at the date and time given.

(The data and basis for much of this description is shown and discussed very extensively in the two partner web sites to this site, listed at top.)
There are no planets or close 'large' cosmic objects close by. No bright stars, visible clusters or asterisms. There are two very distant and naked-eye not-visible stars that fit within the chamber at bottom of the slit:-- H833.1185
These are the only two features up to magnitude c. 15 and beyond, and therefore can stand as suitable 'targets'
(H = Hubble catalogue number. On the partner site - I list comparable catalogue classifications for a number of other star catalogues for these two objects.)
Therefore we now have a very simple, uncluttered map, or picture of SSSRise at a very exact location, date, time, and with no alternative options for target. There is only one path that can be followed and this clearly appears to identify two very distant, very faint cosmic objects - two distant stars, and the local region where they are found.
On the star chart,H833.1062 occupies a position such that its azimuth is level with the leading edge of the solstice sun. As the sun rose diagonally behind the Heelstone at summer solstice, this star rose on a rising track that maintained its position relative to the sun. The rising track of .1062 effectively ascended within the track of the Heelstone slit.
As the rising sun passed the eastern edge of the Heelstone and its orb grew in size towards halfway, .1062 was within the 'Mouth' of the Slit. Moments later .1062 was 'born' into the open sky. The star passed from the realm of darkness within the Heelstone, into the open expanse of the sky. This was the rebirth of .1062 heralded by the rising sun.
Is it possible that the belief and lore of the people of that time was based upon the concept of the sun itself giving birth to .1062? Or was the sun only a marker? This event was the 'rebirth' of this special object upon which is focussed, via the long Stellar Axis of Stonehenge, the whole structure of the monument. This is the picture that is drawn on the face of the Heelstone. The entry of H833.1062 into the world and a new day had been declared by the sun.
Stand before the Heelstone such that the sun rises above the horizon at the left hand edge and wait for it to emerge higher on the right hand, north east edge. The mouth of the slit will actually now also be level with the distant horizon. And as the sun has just emerged from behind the Heelstone and just before it reaches half-disc, then .1062 will emerge from the mouth, rise above the horizon, and begin its ascent into the sky at the same moment. Never seen but always paired with Regulus and the final gift to our modern, technologically capable human family from Stonehenge, our forefathers the builders, and the designer.

(It is important to bear in mind that this monumental stellar event (an event of such great significance that it inspired a society to imagine and raise up a great monument) was of a very transient nature. Astronomically the conjunction of Regulus and its 'child stars' with the rising sun, precisely at summer solstice, in such a way as to be observable and potentially recorded in this monumental way, was a unique event and one that is unlikely ever to be repeated within the history of our solar system and galaxy. This is because of the effects of the very long period cycles of celestial mechanics such as Precession of the Equinoxes, changing obliquity of the ecliptic, subtle changes in the speed / duration of Earth rotation, etc that all combine to slowly and steadily reshape our observed universe. There was a 'season' of just a few years within the 24th century B.C. when these celestial objects aligned together to make this picture possible. In our modern epoch, several millennia later, sun and stars have steadily moved apart and there is a significant distance between them at midsummer sunrise. It is possible, still, to celebrate the rising of .1062 and .1185 at the same moment as sunrise at Stonehenge but this event now happens in late August and there is considerable separation between them along the north east horizon. The modern celebration of summer solstice sunrise at Stonehenge is now merely a faint echo, with a forgotten purpose, of a much greater event that happened more than four thousand years ago.)
The Heelstone at Stonehenge
Summer Solstice Sunrise B.C. 2340. The astronomical sky at the moment of sunrise

Section B. Some Numbers.
It is probably stating the obvious to say that one of the main features of Stonehenge is number. As with the 'art-work', or astronomical picture / plan / diagram to be found across the face of the Heelstone, as I have described above, it is plain to see that the layout and organisation of Stonehenge is necessarily described - and discussed - by what is in plain view but is so often not discussed. This time notably the numbers of the stones and - very importantly - the form or manner in which those stone numbers are arranged. With such an enormous project ahead of them it is likely that the designers sought to ensure that every single aspect of the design would carry meaning in some way. We should look for possible meaning in every aspect of Stonehenge that we discuss. We should not consider our modern civilization as 'smarter' than theirs just because we have managed to litter our planet with so much technology that they did not need. Its seems safe to infer that there were some pretty 'smart' people in charge of this project 5000 years ago!
This is a diagram of the main stone formations at Stonehenge with details of stone number and stone arrangement for each.

From the diagram we can list the features.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- (1). Sarsen Circle. Continuous circle. 30 upright pillars and 30 horizontal lintels. I I I I I ................... I I I I
- (2). Bluestone Circle. Continuous circle. 59, 60, or 61 upright pillars. I I I I I ...................... I I I I
_ _ _ _ _
- (3). Sarsen Trilithon Horseshoe, with beginning and end. 5 arches, each 2 pillars plus top lintel. I I I I I I I I I I
- (4). Bluestone Horseshoe, with beginning and end. 18 upright pillars. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
It is immediately apparent that the builders selected just two alternative postures for all of the stones, - either as upright pillars , or as elevated horizontal lintels. But with the lintels in two different 'modes' - one continuous - (Sarsen circle) - and one 'broken' - (Trilithon horseshoe). We can explore their intention here. Was it purely aesthetic - to look 'pretty', or is there deeper meaning? Only by exploring can we eliminate possibilities. So far we have only seen visible fact.
As I look at these diagrams of these individual stone formations, being a 'modern' digital person, I see potentially binary expression, digital expression, digital formula, 'machine language'. Then an obvious first step is to convert them to language that we can all immediately understand, i.e. decimal expression. This is very easily done on any modern computer calculator. The next illustration shows how to convert the Trilithon horseshoe formation as binary expression to a decimal expression.
This illustration, using the Trilithon horseshoe as an example, shows how the form of the five arches as the horseshoe, can be interpreted as a single binary, or digital, expression and then easily converted to a decimal value using a computer calculator. Set the calculator mode to 'binary' and enter the code. Switch to 'decimal' and an instant result is obtained. In this case the Trilithon horseshoe has yielded the decimal value -- 2 3 4 0 5.
The same process can be repeated for the other three stone formations.
By this means we get:-
1). Sarsen Circle:- 1010101010........ (to 60 stones)
768 614 336 404 564 650
2). Bluestone Circle (three options as circle badly damaged)
(a). 1 1 1 1 1 1 .......... (to 59 stones)
576 460 752 313 423 487
(b). 1 1 1 1 1 1 .......... (to 60 stones)
1152 921 504 606 846 975
(c). 1 1 1 1 1 1 .......... (to 61 stones)
2305 843 009 213 693 951
3). Sarsen Trilithon horseshoe:- 101 101 101 101 101 (15 stones)
2 3 4 0 5
4). Bluestone horseshoe:- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (18 stones)
2 6 2 1 4 2
Having completed the conversion process the sight of such number groups invites further investigation.

The Trilithon Horseshoe being the focal point of Stonehenge and also yielding a fairly simple number group from its binary form, its seem a reasonable place to start. Also ,because the Trilithon horseshoe is the main feature it is reasonable to assume that any meaning derived here is likely to be of considerable importance to the context of Stonehenge.
From the diagram at left it can immediately be seen that the number group 2 3 4 0 5 has yielded a range of significant values.
Archaeology has confirmed that Stonehenge was built in a relatively short time period (that is - quickly) somewhere after 2400 B.C. This makes sense if there was urgency to complete the build by 2340 B.C. During this century the sun and the star, Regulus, were steadily converging towards conjunction at summer solstice sunrise.
If certain other conditions are identified then the 'Heelmark', or representation of the crossing sun, on the Heelstone can be given very precise astronomical position coordinates using modern astronomical computer software. From these can then be found coordinates for other parts of the sky that fit on to the Heelstone. These coordinates 'fix' the position of the sun or neighbouring objects within the Cosmos and the visible sky. Simply they are the horizontal and vertical coordinates that identify the point on the visible Celestial Sphere where the sun, or other object, was at an instant in time.
The essential conditions are:- 1). The point on the Earth's surface from where the observation is made. This can either be a point identified by latitude and longitude coordinates, or, by actually, physically identifying the relevant place.
2). The exact time when the observation is made - year, day, hour, minute, second.
Number 1) is securely identified by the physical structure of Stonehenge. That is the point upon Earth's surface.
2) is identified if a memorable and unique astronomical event is marked. In the case of the sun visible from Stonehenge day, hour, minute and second are identified as the moment of sunrise at mid-summer solstice. --The year is narrowed down archaeologically to c. 2400 B.C. or very soon after. --Astronomically by the closest meeting of sun and Regulus in Leo at solstice sunrise which is a narrow range of years mid 2400 - 2300B.C. (Why Regulus? Regulus that lies almost on the ecliptic - path of the sun through the heavens - is the visible mark that lies closest to the remote, non-visible star within the 'Regulus Group' - H833.1062 - that is at the centre of the Heelstone and rises up along the Heelstone in step with the rising sun at mid-summer solstice sunrise, 2340B.C. Regulus is the visible identification for the Regulus group and this tiny, distant star, that is shown to lie at the centre of the Heelstone and is the central theme and result of this web-site and its two other partner sites.) --Numerically by creating, within the monument, the central prime feature of the Trilithon horseshoe as a format that can be read as a binary expression that converts to decimal 2340(5).
(It will be argued that there is absolutely no chance that the builders of Stonehenge had a modern calendar system that recorded dates during 3rd. millennium B.C. onto our modern dating system. This completely misses the point of this account which is that, as I study and describe the many numbers that can be found within the design of Stonehenge, I am attempting to build a picture of a monument that is crammed with much astronomical data that could not possibly have been known and used by early, primitive human civilization. But the numbers and data are there, they are real, and therefore I need to account for their origin. And this is where the evidence is for the ancient presence of much more advanced intelligence amongst the native human population. An intelligence which, as one of the many examples that it created a and left behind on our planet in antiquity, was responsible for the creation of Stonehenge. (Perhaps SETI - Search for Extra-Terrestial Intelligence - might have more success at finding evidence of such intelligence if they focussed closer to home and saw what is in plain view, as well as combing the galaxy.)
This same intelligence has pushed forward human achievement in civilization, knowledge, and many facets of humanity that we now take for granted, throughout the millennia, without seeming directly to interfere with development. There has been, and still is, an agenda for the civilizing of civilization. It has caused many, many of the facets of our modern world to come about including a year count as the basis for our modern dating system that puts the year of 'inauguration' of Stonehenge at 2340 B.C. such that this number matches the number contained within the binary expression of the Trilithon horseshoe. And if you doubt all of this just refer to the box in the pic. above describing the numbers for the change in solar obliquity c 2340 B.C. to 2340 A.D. - mean value 23* 40.4(5)'. - pure chance?)
The coordinates for 'Little star' --H833.10
From the numbers on the illustration of the Heelstone, above, it can be seen that, at summer solstice sunrise 2340 B.C. the coordinates for the 'Little star', H833.1062, as it sat within the bottom of the Heelstone slit and directly below the front edge of the sun, were :- declination 23* 5.4' (23 40)
azimuth 50* 43' ((2)3405 reversed)
This one binary expression of I-I I-I I-I I-I I-I has yielded 2 3 4 0 5 giving both position coordinates for H833.1062
(Declination value is based upon the Earth and Celestial Equator that are effectively fixed regardless of epoch and position on Earth surface. Azimuth is solely dependent upon position on Earth's surface - now identified as Stonehenge. Therefore neither can vary through time. So far as azimuth is concerned there is an implication that this exact point upon Earth's surface was selected for Stonehenge so that the azimuth figure that resulted fitted to the Trilithon binary expression!)
Azimuth 50* 43' also marks the centre line of the Heelstone as seen from the centre point of Stonehenge. The Heelstone was erected directly on this bearing to demonstrate 50* 43'.